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Developing a portfolio of policies and interventions to support pastoralists and rangelands
Evolution of the Pathways to Resilience in Pastoralist Areas of Eastern Africa
Livestock CRP Golden Egg: The Journey of Gender analysis in Livestock and Fish and Livestock CRP
The key role of donor-supported interventions designing evidence-based adaptation strategies
Online seminar: Pastoralist Policies on Transboundary Transhumance
Online-Seminar: Accounting for Pastoralists
Review of Tenure and Governance in Pastoral Lands in East and West Africa - January 2022
Launch event of The Impact of the International Livestock Research Institute
ILRI's WILD women - Women in Livestock Development - celebrate International Women's Day 2022
CEADIR Webinar: Improved Livestock Management for Higher Productivity and Climate Resilience
100 Voices on Women in Agriculture: Dr Polly Ericksen, ILRI
EU presentation - Webinar 'strengthening climate resilience' on April 2nd